Material / Promos .
Nanbudo Gi

In this volume, Nanbu Doshu Soke tells how he made it work in this life devoted to the way, the Do, and how he makes his techniques available to the Nanbudokas.
It offers a complete budo where yin and yang balance each other and here focuses on certain techniques yin, Mitsu no Chikara, Nanatsu no Chikara, mantra with many explanations on underlying philosophical principles San I Ittai and Seishin Ryoku.
Nanbu Doshu Soke locates these concepts in his history and research and ends with Jinseikun, his principles of life that he offers us.
Price : 20 €

Here he presents two katas (series of codified forms) that he created: Kaguya Hime no Kata in reference to a very old Japanese tale and Shin Tajima no Kata in honor of his father. The first one has a special feature: it was designed for women and first presented at an international workshop for women.
These gems are an additional contribution to the ever-evolving Budo heritage.
Price : 20 €

With nearly 40 years of development, this exercise, which is an integral part of Nanbudo, is not just a simple warm-up gymnastics, but an open door to liberation, development, awakening, and expression of healthy bodily impulses that generate physical and mental balance.
Price : 20 €

This book is devoted to some exercises of Kido Ho, that energetic part of Nanbudo, which he links to Budo Ho (combat) with Noryoku Kaihatsu Ho (self-realization) in the same Budo.
Here he shares with us some of the exercises he created to perceive Ki, to move it, to develop it: Shoshuten Daishuten, Ki Undo, Shizen no Ki Undo.
He situates human beings in the universe, in an often undermined harmony, which cannot be decreed but can be worked on, felt.
Price : 20 €

Published in 1991, this book is still relevant today. While there have been a lot of developments since, it gives a view of all of Nanbudo.
Nanbu Doshu Soke planted this tree whose scope is vast enough today to house all those who desire to acquire the serene strength of immemorial knowledge, the lucid courage to live the present and the unshakeable conviction of a limpid future
Price : 30 €
You can find our books for purchase online by clicking on this link :

Dvd 15: Nanbudo Sotai Nage no Waza, Second Part
7.00 €

Dvd 14: Nanbudo Sotai Nage no Waza, First Part
7.00 €

Dvd 13: Nanbu Sotai Randori no Kata – Basics
7.00 €

Dvd 12: Nanbu Sotai Taikkyoku Kata (Bunkai)
7.00 €

Dvd 11: Nanbudo Suwari Randori no Kata
7.00 €

Dvd 10: Nanbudo Randori no Kata, Third Part
7.00 €

Dvd 9: Nanbudo Randori no Kata, Second Part
7.00 €

Dvd 8: Nanbudo Randori no Kata, First Part
7.00 €

Dvd 7: Introduction to Nanbu Sotai Waza
7.00 €

Dvd 6: Nanbu Tenchi Undo and Nanbu Shizen No Ki Undo
7.00 €

DVD 5: Nanbu Keiraku Taiso 1-7
7.00 €

DVD 4: Ki Nanbu Taiso (Bunkai)
7.00 €

DVD 3: Nanbudo Kihon Waza – Introduction to Kata
7.00 €

DVD 2: Nanbudo Kihon Waza – Nanbudo Basics, Second Part
7.00 €

DVD 1: Nanbudo Kihon Waza – Nanbudo Basics, First Part
7.00 €

Nanbudo – Life Philosophy, Philosophy of Life (2011)
15.00 €
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