The aspects of nanbudo.


Nanbudo based on dodging offers various combinations of Atemi (strikes), Nage (projections), Barai (swipes), Kansetsu (twists, immobilizations), Shime (throttles).


Randori No Kata :

Randori are forms of codified fight of 2 persons. Seven attacks are presented with seven defenses. These are all based on the side dodges. Each Randori no Kata has a specificity.

We practice dodging, falling, linear or circular counter-fist, counter-attack, sweeping, release of seizures, key-twists of limbs, projection, simultaneous attack and defense, energy techniques, kneeling fights …

Starting from a list of 21 Randori, the list has evolved and can evolve as combinations and variants are possible with the possibility of doing them in Gyaku (instead of dodging outwards, it is possible to dodge inward), single attacks (2 oi tsuki, 2 mae geri, 2 mawashi geri and final oi tsuki), we can move on to combined attacks called Sotai (2 oi tsuki, 2 mae geri jun tsuki, 2 mawashi geri Gyaku tsuki, final oi tsuki), the possibility of adding techniques or combining several defenses.

Your will find here-under is a reference list:

Randori Ichi no Kata, Gyaku Randori Ichi no Kata, Randori Ni no Kata, Randori San no Kata,

Randori Yon no Kata.

Kaiten Randori Ichi no Kata, Kaiten Randori Ni no Kata, Kaiten Randori San no Kata.

Randori Irimi no Kata.

Randori Gyaku Irimi no Kata, Randori Sukui no Kata.

Randori Ukemi no Kata.

Randori Taiso no Kata.

Furi Uchi Randori Ichi no Kata, Furi Uchi Kaiten Randori Ichi no Kata (Randori Furi no Kata).

Randori Kasumi no Kata.

Suwari Randori Ichi no Kata, Suwari Randori Ni no Kata.

Kantsetsu Randori Ichi no Kata, Kansetsu Randori Ni no Kata.

Ki Nagare Randori Ichi no Kata.

Ninin Gake :

Forms of fight against 2 opponents. It is possible to multiply the number of opponents.

Kihon Ju Randori :

Fights in movement, attacks are codified, defenses are codified, roles are defined, Tori attacking Uke 7 times before swapping roles.

Ju-randori :

Ju-Randori are fights in movement where attacks are codified as for Randori, only the techniques of defense are free. For part this will constitute the basis of the fight competition.

Nanbu Sotai Randori no Kata :

The Sotai Randori are also forms of fights codified of 2 persons. Six combined foot-fist attacks are presented with six defenses. These are all based on a rear dodge by absorption. Each Sotai Randori no Kata has a specificity.

The study devoted in particular to projections multiplies the possibilities of Sotai Randori, well over 50 of which a list of 18 far from being exhaustive is presented hereunder.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Ichi no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Gyaku Randori Ichi no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Ni no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori San no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Yon no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Irimi no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Juji no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Juji Kakuto no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Juji Otoshi Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Okuri Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Kiri Gaeshi Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Kubi Nage no Kata

Nanbu Sotai Randori Kuki Nage no kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Kubi Kake Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Koshi Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Morote Koshi Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Torae Nage no Kata.

Nanbu Sotai Randori Kubi Shime no Kata.


The kata is a series of codified forms that we repeat endlessly, that we experience (technical sequences, sensations, emotions …) as an improvement on the path (do). We search deep down in ourselves, body and mind unite. Each kata has its specificity.

Basics kata

Shiho-tai :

Seven series of movements carried out in the four directions (West-East-South-North), the last one (Shihotai Ku) being rather in Kido-Ho.

Shihotai Tsuki, Shihotai Ten, Shihotai Chi, Shihotai Hasu, Shihotai Mizu, Shihotai Ki, Shihotai Ku

Taikyoku :

Six series performed in the directions of the cardinal points with the basic movements of the Sotai Randori.

Taikyoku Shodan, Taikyoku Niban, Taikyoku Sanban, Taikyoku Yonban, Taikyoku Goban, Taikyoku Rokuban.

Superior kata

Nanbu Shodan, Nanbu Nidan, Nanbu Sandan, Nanbu Yondan, Nanbu Godan.

Personalized superior kata

Ikkyoku, Hyakuhachi, Sanpo Sho, Sanpo Dai, Seienchin, Seipai, Kaguya Hime, Shin Tajima

Kata Bunkai/ Bunkai Kata :

The Bunkai are the study of possible applications of the Kata, by technical sequences.


For an effective defense, man must develop his health, his physical possibilities, the energy which he possesses and the one which he can acquire, an harmonious balance with nature.

Nanbudo offers stretching, breathing, Ki perception exercises, Ki moving and Ki development exercises, meridian stimulation exercises…

Ki Nanbu Taiso :

Intensive physical, energetic and mental warm-up. It is made up of a series of ten movements based on nature (animals and elements).

Nami, Kaze, Iwa, Matsu, Tsuru, Hebi, Ryu, Cho, Taki, Nichi.

Nanbu Tenchi Undo :

Series of seven exercises consisting of simple movements accompanied by slow and deep breathing, in order to better know your body and live in harmony with nature and its energies.

Nanbu Tenchi Undo Tsuki, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Ten, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Chi, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Hasu, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Mizu, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Ki, Nanbu Tenchi Undo Ku

Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo :

Series of seven internal and external energy work exercises, where the Ki is moved with short apnea after a breath.

Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Tsuki, Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Ten, Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Chi, Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Hasu, Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Mizu, Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Ki,

Nanbu Shizen no Ki Undo Ku

Nanbu Ki Undo :

Series of 7 exercises to feel the Ki oneself.

Enkin kaigo-Ho, Sashu-Ho, Gasho-Ho, Jukyu-Ho, Shuten-Ho, Tanden Kokyu-Ho, Tenchi-Ho.

Shoshuten, Daishuten :

Small and large circulation, movement of Ki on expiration.

Nanbu Keiraku Taiso :

Series of 7 Kata, each stimulating two main meridians.

Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Ichiban, Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Niban, Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Sanban,

Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Yonban, Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Goban, Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Rokuban ,

Nanbu Keiraku Taiso Nanaban


It is a philosophy of nanbudo which was built by the experience and the thoughts of Nanbu Doshu Soke, and which contributes to unify Budo-Ho and Kido-Ho.

We have several tools :

Dojo Kun :

Rules of behavior in the Dojo but above all the essence of Yoshinao Nanbu Doshu Soke’s teaching, support on the path to nanbudo.

San I Ittai :

Basic concepts concerning the interactions between Nanbudo (the way), Tai (the body) and Sei (the spirit).

It is also necessary to forge the mind, technique is not enough. Budo is beyond technique, the mental strength that will allow the fight not to take place.

Budo is also self-realization.

For this we have exercises of autosuggestion, meditation, visualization, in order to find the energy and the positivity which make it possible to walk on the path despite the difficulties and to set life goals.

Nanbudo Mitsu no Chikara :

The three principles of Nanbudo. These three principles combined, repeated, allow to self-motivate, to have the energy to take action and persevere.

Chikara da, Yuki da, Shinen da : Force, Courage, Conviction.

Nanbudo Nanatsu no Chikara :

The seven forces of Nanbudo. Linked to the three principles, the seven forces of Nanbudo are a visualization method for progressing on the path (Do).

Tai Ryoku, Tan ryoku, Handan Ryoku, Danko Ryoku, Sei Ryoku, No Ryoku, Seimei Ryoku.

Nanbu Doshu Soke has given himself principles of life, Jinseikun. Each and everyone is free to adopt them or to create their own:

Shogai Keiko : continue to practice throughout one’s life

Shogai Yuki : base one’s life on courage and perseverance

Shogai Shinnen : lead a life guided by one’s convictions