• Nanbudo Kaikan course Toulouse

    October 5 and 6


Doshu Soke Yoshinao Nanbu.

NANBUDO is a Budo created in 1978 by Nanbu Yoshinao Doshu Soke.
Way (do), sport, art of living, method of self-defense, it is an art of creation of energy which promotes the harmonious union of body and mind. It is a martial art of the year 2000 which has its roots in Japanese traditions but which is aimed at women and men of today, from all continents, aiming at universality.
Its principles have their origins in the laws of nature.
Its founder wants, in one same art, to bring together BUDO HO (martial techniques), KIDO HO (energy work) and NORYOKU KAIHATSU HO (self-realization).
This art is not intended to be only for an elite but for all.
Nanbu Doshu Soke wrote: “My goal is to promote the development of respect for nature and the universe by humans.”
For this he built his method based on dodging, the search for natural, flexible gestures with a flowing rhythm, harmony, many circular movements where the circle absorbs the force of the partner and associates it with ours.
We find there Budo Ho: techniques of combat against one or more opponents (strikes, projections, twists and immobilizations, strangling, sweeps), individual with kata and a strictly defensive competition style.

There is Kido Ho: techniques for harmonious warming up of the body, stretching, breathing, circulation of energy.
Noryoku Kaihatsu Ho, the philosophy of nanbudo around meditative, self-suggestive, mental techniques.


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